Welcome to the LYU Group

December 2024. Siqiang has joined our lab. Welcome!
December 2024. Hairong has been awarded the Croucher Tak Wah Mak Innovation Awards 2024!
November 2024. Hongyi received his master's degree! Congrats!
September 2024. Luo Yao has joined our lab. Welcome!
August 2024. Yifan has joined our lab. Welcome!
July 2024. Yujun has joined our lab. Welcome!
July 2024. Our research "Functionalization of Boranes through Thiol/Oxygen Catalysis" is accepted by Chin. J. Chem. Congratulations to Hongyi!
June 2024. Xiangyu has been awarded the Outstanding Poster Award at the 34th CCS Congress. Congratulations!
June 2024. Adam won the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award in 2023/24! Congratulations!
April 2024. Junjie is awarded the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPFS)! Congratulations!
Oct. 2023. Junjie has joined our lab. Welcome!
Oct. 2023. Our research "Stereoselective Unsymmetrical 1,1-Diborylation of Alkynes with a Neutral sp2−sp3 Diboron Reagent" is accepted by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Congratulations to Xiangyu!
Aug. 2023. Weixuan and Zhanqiang have joined our lab. Welcome!
May. 2023. Adam has joined our lab. Welcome!
Feb. 2023. Hongyi won the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award in 2022/23! Congratulations!
Sept. 2022. Chunhai and Ryan have joined our lab. Welcome!
Aug. 2022. Xiangyu and Hongyi have joined our lab. Welcome!
Aug. 2022. The Lyu group starts in CUHK. Welcome to our Lab!